Mohonk Mountain House Labyrinth and Lemon Squeeze Hike

Basic Information

All Trails link to Mohonk Mountain House and Labyrinth and Lemon Squeeze Hike

Date of hike: 09/26/2020

Difficulty level: strenuous

Distance: 7 miles round trip

Elevation gain: 1,410 feet

Location: New Paltz, NY, Mohonk Preserve

Fee to enter per person

Our rating: 5+


Please see history of Mohonk Mountain House and Mohonk Preserve in our blog post about Millbrook Ridge Trail hike. 

The Sky Top Tower, which is the final destination at the summit of this hike, was erected in 1923 in honor of Albert Smiley to serve as the signature stone landmark of the Mohonk Mountain House.  From the top of the Tower, one can see six nearby states – New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont.

Our Impressions

This hike was recommended to us by our friends.  We looked it up and were thrilled to be coming back to our new favorite hiking area. 

This was a true test of strength, a challenge to take on, but totally fun and beautiful, totally worth the torture.  Please beware, this is not a hike for the unfit or overweight.  You will literally have to squeeze through tiny crevices, crawl under rocks, and navigate your way through a myriad of high cliffs.  Only the very gifted can do all that and carry a camera in their hands at the same time (wink, wink, props to my Superman partner in crime).

We officially graduated from the blue to the black diamond slopes of hiking. 

The hike starts at the beautiful Mohonk Mountain House where we observed turtles in the lake.  It ends at the top of the Sky Top Tower from which we saw a marriage proposal. 

The quantity of photos and videos that I posted on this blog will show you how unforgettable an experience it was being squeezed like a lemon.

A note to keep in mind – there are several parking lots in different parts of the Mohonk Preserve from which you can access this labyrinth and hike.  We got a bit lost at the end and almost walked in a completely opposite direction.  Please mark your maps!  Hope you enjoy!

Mohonk Mountain House
Lemon Squeeze Hike
Resting During Lemon Squeeze Hike
View of Mohonk Mountain House from Sky Top Tower
Turtles at Mohonk Preserve
Mohonk Mountain Houses
Lemon Squeeze Part I
Lemon Squeeze Part II
Lemon Squeeze Part III
Lemon Squeeze Part IV
Lemon Squeeze Part V
Lemon Squeeze Part VI
Lemon Squeeze Part VII
Lemon Squeeze Part VIII
Lemon Squeeze Part IX
Lemon Squeeze Part X
Lemon Squeeze Part XI
Lemon Squeeze Part XII
Lemon Squeeze Part XIII
Lemon Squeeze Part XIV
Lemon Squeeze Part XV
Lemon Squeeze Part XVI
Lemon Squeeze Part XVII – Sky Top Tower
Lemon Squeeze Part XVIII – View from Sky Top Tower


  • Anna

    Anna was born in the former Soviet Union, the part that is now Ukraine. She came to the US as a refugee at the age of 8. She is an outdoor, fitness, health, and environment lover who found a way to express her passions through hiking. She enjoys exploring new places, seeking out adventures, and sharing her experiences with friends and family. Anna is also on a mission to help others feel young and healthy. She is a health and wellness coach that specializes in improving digestive health and IBS symptoms. Please visit her business page

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